Mrs. Daigle suggested I should grab some books from the library for resources. I tried my town's library to no avail, they had nothing on the subject. The non-fiction section there is a little lacking, I will try the school's library and the lewisburg one. If that doesn't yield results I give up on this whole real world resource thing. I also watched a tape that Mrs. Daigle got on the subject of oil spills and it was fairly informative. Soon we will start the actual process of paper prototyping very soon. Possibly this class period. As much as I dislike this prep work, hopefully it will yield better results. Though part of me wants to conduct a scientific study on the topic to confirm such. I really don't feel very optimistic about our game's final quality. I doubt we will be able to create a product I will be satisfied with, me being the perfectionist I am...
Ah well, off to paper-prototyping.
How To Test Light Bulb
1 year ago
It's a shame that you are uninterested in the topic of your game. You'll just have to learn as much info on it as you can and it'll be easier to get through. Give yourself a break when making your game. You're not a professional so it can't be perfect. I'm impressed with how detailed your blogs are.